Lets Ghetti Spaghettiiiiiiii (Squash)
Happy weekend, babes! I couldn't be more stoked to have 2 days where I have absolutely NOTHING to do. I tend to be a crazy person during the week. I'm like the energizer bunny - once I get the ball rolling, I can't stop. I think we all too often get caught up in this cycle of "go go go." Work, gym, make dinner, bed, and wake up the next day to do it all again. I get sort of a rush from accomplishing all the things I set out to do. I'm a perfectionist, I have to say.
As a society, we idolize this sort of outwardly perfect-looking, do-it-all mentality. We revere the ceaselessness. When we achieve it, we feel esteemed and fulfilled - until we hit our breaking point. I am one hundred percent guilty of this. I get a sort of high from doing it all, and that will never not be me. I'll always forge forward with relentless soul.
However, I have learned the utter and complete necessity of rest - of honoring that soul that drives you forward. I so appreciate that part of me. But she deserves to rest and recharge too. I've found that for me, just a few hours of self-reflection does it. No matter how busy we are, we can always make the time. For me, I enjoy waking up an hour early in the morning to sip my coffee and explore the inner workings of my mind, thoughts and feelings whether that's through writing or just sitting. Yes, sitting. (I know what you're thinking - "what a weirdo, just sitting there not doing anything...") Nope, not doing anything else. Sounds foreign, doesn't it?
My absolute favorite way to take that time to myself is to write. Words have always been a sort of catharsis, almost addictive in nature for me. Writing has brought me so much consolation, a continued curiosity of my inner workings, and a pure, visceral joy. Some days I can write 5 pages, just flipping through the many folders of my mind, jumping from one thought to another, until finally - it all makes sense. I can understand what I am living. I love this quote -
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
ANYWAYS - Now what I really came here to talk about is that I also LOVE cooking and food (duh.) Which is why I wanted to share with you one recipe that my energizer-bunny-self decided to toss together midweek. My grandma began cooking dinner each day at 9 am to have it on the table promptly by 4 pm, when my grandfather arrived home from work. These days, we don't have that anymore. I'd do anything to have my angel Oma back. God bless her beautiful soul.
I want my family to still experience that sort of come-togetherness that is sharing a meal together each night. So, I cook dinner as often as possible. I make it work! This week my family had rave reviews about this spaghetti squash chow mein. Here's the recipe:
Spaghetti Squash Chow Mein
1 spaghetti squash
Leftover chicken, diced
Pre-packaged slaw (with cabbage or greens of choice, carrot, etc.)
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 yellow onion, diced
1 TBSP ginger paste (or 1 TBSP freshly grated ginger)
1 tsp Sriracha
2 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 TBSP low-sodium soy sauce
Preheat oven to 450. Cut spaghetti squash lengthwise. On a baking sheet, place a bit of water and the spaghetti squash (face down). Bake for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the squash becomes fork tender.
Meanwhile, sauté the onion on low in a large skillet with the sesame oil. The onion should first become translucent before golden. Add the slaw and cook until tender, about 10 minutes. Add in the garlic and cook until golden. Let sit until squash is done.
Once the squash is done, let cool. Scrape the seeds out, and discard. With a fork, pull out the spaghetti-like strands and place directly into the vegetable mixture in your skillet. Add the chicken and all other seasonings.
Sauté and let the flavors merry. Play with the flavors - if you feel it needs more or less of something, experiment! I don't measure my ingredients, so this is an eyeballing game when translating my recipes.
XX Kris