Pancakes and Psychology
I want to talk about health for a moment. I'd like to preface this post by letting you know that I am not discussing "intuitive eating". This post is about finding balance with your food choices, especially if you have fitness goals and still want to enjoy the foods you love. With each meal, my main focus is the balance of nutrition and taste. My goal is to obtain the most of both, also knowing that it's 100% OKAY to lean one way more than the other every now and then. This allows me to maintain a sense of balance. I am always led by instinct - some days my body craves icy, fruit/veggie packed smoothie bowls, and other days my body craves something heartier like a cheeseburger! I honor my body and mind by listening to that - always. Does that mean I go to In-N-Out every day? No, but I definitely do sometimes. Most of the time, I will make a more nutrient-dense but equally as delicious version at home. This allows me to keep that balance of taste and nutrition, and still be fully satiated in all ways.
Lets create a simulation here... Close your eyes... LOL ;] just follow along...
We've all been in that situation where we're REALLY craving something decadent. I mean, it's been weeks now. We're at a birthday party, we spot that rich, ooey-gooey, decadent, heavenly (you get the picture) brownie that we've been craving. It's happened... but our inner gremlins are reminding us, "ummmm, that's not really healthy... is it? Are you sure you want to do that?" So you concur. You spot a bowl of trail mix and opt for the "healthier" option, of course. So you're sitting there, snacking, and snacking... 3 minutes... 5 minutes... hoping and waiting for just an inkling of satisfaction, just a tiny hint of something as deliciously pleasing as you'd hoped for. You've tried, crunching through bite after bite... to no avail.
You feared the very thing that you ended up doing. You denied yourself the pleasure of enjoying a brownie, and traded it for a less mentally/physically/spiritually enriching experience. And now, you feel guilty because you ate so many nuts, and you didn't even enjoy it. You definitely ate more calories than you would have eaten with a few bites of the brownie. On top of it, you still want the damn brownie!
When eating the trail mix, we are doing so mindlessly. Our mind is in another place - a desperate one trying to find the sense of enjoyment we were looking for from the brownie. If we would have chosen the brownie and eaten it mindfully, it's likely that after a few mindful bites (or more - that's okay!) we'd be satiated, doing a happy dance, closing our eyes, and "mmm-mmm-mmm-ing." Or maybe that's just me!
The issue here isn't about the calories or what's "healthy." "Healthy" and "clean" are old news. Are we truly clean or unclean by a food choice we make? Absolutely not. In fact, the research shows that foods previously seen as "unhealthy" can have a place in a nutritious diet without leading to disease or weight gain when eaten in the right portions. I prefer to honor my mind and body than put labels and restrictions that end up sending me down the very path I intended to avoid. We're HUMAN.
It's absolutely VITAL to our wellbeing that we honor our psyche. Why else would we be endowed with such a gift? We are meant to use it. And the more we use it, the more we feel cared for from ourselves. It prevents us from lashing out in the other direction, because we feel fulfilled. Our unconscious psychology can be much stronger than conscious will. Honoring all levels of our mind and body in this way is a form of self-love and leads to that balance we all strive for.
With that said... Keep balance in mind, but always honor that instinctual notion by listening to hunger cues, cravings, and satiety - while being conscious of what needs to be done in order to meet your health and fitness goals. For instance, my personal goal is to gain lean muscle mass. In making food choices, I am aware of what needs to be done in order to reach them. My goal is for you to listen to your body, satisfy cravings, and still meet your health and fitness goals by finding where that balanced "sweet spot" is for you. No pun intended ;]
Here are a few key tips when making those decisions:
1. Style your food - Choose a beautiful plate, your favorite cup, and take the time to beautifully display your meal. Hell, take a picture after! With my pancake recipe, I could have made 2 big pancakes. Instead, I chose to make a huge stack, because I found this more drool-worthy. Research shows that food presented nicely ends up tasting better.
2. Don't listen to your parents... It's okay to leave food on your plate! - Okay, okay, listen to your parents. Just not about finishing everything on your plate! This "rule" is embedded in so many of us, but asks us to completely disregard any hunger cues and satiety signals we're feeling. When you were a kid you always had that moment you initially put the fork down. You'd exclaim, "I'm full!" As an adult, we have the same mechanism. It's just clouded with adult noise, if you will. Be mindful to take note of that initial moment you set the fork down. Leave it. Ask for a box, or put the rest in the fridge for a snack or a part of dinner.
3. But how do I consider my specific fitness goals, like building muscle, while still enjoying these foods? Consider macronutrients - As with my anecdote above, sometimes we don't end up satisfying that craving we've had for weeks. What if you're at that party and you really want the entire piece of cake? Fit it into your diet as a whole, and have it! In moments like these, I opt for the slice of cake, keeping in mind that it's composed mostly of carbohydrates and fats. Just add lean protein and you have yourself a meal. Opt for lean skinless chicken, fish, or have a scoop of protein powder when you get home. If you're still hungry, feel free to go ham on the fresh veggie platter! Veggies are low in calories and high in fiber that you may be lacking in this scenario. Skip the dips.
Overall, find what works best for you. People always want a definitive answer when it comes to nutrition, but the truth is that of all sciences, nutrition is likely the least black and white.
Last but not least, I'd like to share my pancake recipe with y'all! Happy eating, friends.
Almond Butter Banana Pancakes
1 1/2 TBSP almond butter
1 banana
1/4 cup egg whites
1/4 cup oats, raw (*use gluten-free oats for an entirely gluten-free recipe!)
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
handful spinach, raw (optional)
1/4 cup frozen berries (I used blueberries)
1 TBSP pure maple syrup
In a food processor, add almond butter, banana, egg whites, oats, baking powder, cinnamon, and spinach. Blend. Heat a small nonstick skillet on low-medium heat. Spray with cooking spray (or oil of choice). Add 2 to 3 TBSP of batter, and cook. Once bubbles develop and edges are cooked, flip. Cook for another minute, or until golden on both sides. Repeat with remainder of batter, stacking pancakes.
In a small, microwave-safe dish, add frozen berries and maple syrup. Microwave for 1 minute. Smash berries with a fork. Once pancakes are done, add berries on top. You can also add greek yogurt, granola, or anything that sounds good to you! Serve warm!
Happy hump day, loves!
XO, Kris!